Wednesday, 28 July 2010


Some images of the derilict Tempelhof airport that B and I went to last week. It has only been out of action since 2008, and is now a public space. Built in 1923. Although it has only been a couple of years it is already being over grown and interesting to imagine how it would be in 10 or 20 years. While we were there B played with some Kindergarten children. The teacher told me how her father had remembered it as fields he played in before the airport was built and now returning to that status. It is right in the city so polution and noise was a problem.

Hitler was a big fan of Tempelhof, and under Speer's direction the terminal was rebuilt in 1934. It was also the lifeline for Berlin, when the Soviets cut off all transport by water or land in 1948.

More images

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

work in progress

Hi Rachel,

This is to give you a sense of how things are developing with the piece for the Art and Architecture show.

The images I had been working with, the photos i took of the buildings and grounds were naturally quite geometrical and felt a bit restrictive with the projection. My starting point for where i have got to now was the plastic cover for B's alphabet stamps (that came free with a newspaper). When projected it reminded me of an ariel view of a group of buildings. So I started working with a google earth image of Brunel University, and cutting into and painting onto the plastic.

I painted onto some paper on the wall to try and give a sense of how the projection might work with a wall painting. I'm not sure its totally successful, but I could imagine it working if the painting was a bit more pared down and selective. I really like working with this push and pull between the projected image and the painting.

A couple of images also of using different materials with projecting.