Dear Suzy,
I went back to an area that I’d missed which lies between Botley and the Abingdon Road. South Hinksey is a small village and farming community that can only be accessed by road from the A34 (another section of the ring road). I approached it from the city on a path called the devil’s backbone that goes over a small lake, Hinksey Stream, the railway line and some marsh land. It is a typical Oxfordshire village with beautiful stone cottages. The geographical location makes it feel like an island, and the approach to and from the village was the most interesting part of the experience.
This was followed with a cycle ride around another section of the A4142, from the Cowley Road to the Iffley Road. Starting by the business and retail parks I went past various estates and then went under the ring road into Littlemore to get a sense of how this suburb connects with the city. The monumental road seemed quite incongruous next to the terrace of Victorian houses and some local shops.
I didn't find many objects along this stretch.